medical update and fun news

Our last visit in NYC was so much fun and full of adventure! We met with the transplant team, ran into so many people in the halls, and hugged a ton of amazing nurses who cared for Matilda in the PICU.

Best of all, they judged Matilda to be as great as ever! She is a witty, rambunctious, outgoing, and healthy four-year-old! Tears of joy all around for this remarkable young lady!

I also wanted to let you guys in on a bit of a secret! The week before Matilda's NYC visit, a film crew came to our house along with LiveOn NY to capture a day in the life of Matilda for a commercial that will bring her poster to life!

I have seen it, and it is so good! I wish I could show everyone! But, I am waiting for the big thumbs up from LiveOn NY before I spill the beans.

Thank you for all your well wishes, prayers, encouraging words, and happy thoughts for Matilda!

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