Cloudy Day Interview: Olivia Omega

Olivia is a spitfire who is honest, sassy, and has a heart of gold! She is determined, hard working, and funny! It is easy to see that although her career is important, her family is always number one. They are a team who learns from each other everyday!

How do you manage, cope, endure, and overcome your own cloudy days?
When I went through my worst cloudy days a few years ago, my kids and I started doing dance parties everyday to keep joy in our lives (and to keep me from crying). Now they remain as a tradition.

What advice do you have to offer those struggling right now?
Find a way to live through the cloudy days versus trying to get over it. Pretending like everything is fine isn't healthy. Embrace the cloudiness and know that sunnier days will come!

Here is a bit more about Olivia from her website Laugh Liv Love:

Laugh.Liv.Love is the documentation of the glorious, ridiculous life of a marketing professional and single mom, proving that everything I know about faith and marketing I learned from my kids. True story! And everything I know about social media I learned through dating. Mostly true story!


The ability to smile during challenging times, see the good in every experience and encounter, and harness the humor of it all, be it an epic fail or an amazing feat. With guest appearances by stand up comedian, God.

liv (live)

The determination to cherish each moment in life, pause in the undying pursuit of happiness to just simply be happy, and learn from the life lessons that are all around us.


The desire to embrace what makes us unique and unforgettable, the courage to be unapologetically vulnerable, and the permission to fall in love with the people, places, and things that inspire passionate dreams.

Photos: Amanda from ARG Photographs

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