Right now, Matilda is in the phase where she smiles so big with her whole face scrunched up whenever I ask her to smile for the camera. Her first week of school went well, but since then tears before and during drop off have become her routine. And, her favorite joke is adding, "on your head" to any sentence.
Right now, Parker is loving solo play dates with his friends after school. I think he likes seeing into the different family dynamics at other people's homes. He always comes back with detailed accounts. He is getting extra reading help during school, although I feel like I am missing something because he seems on track to me. But, then again, extra help is always a good thing. He is stretching boundaries left and right with questions, actions, and a bit of sass.
Right now, I am juggling my goals and constantly dropping a ball. I have been working out every night for 50 some days now and not seeing results. I am working towards getting organized, getting back into a regular-world schedule, and getting excited about future projects. And, by the end of the day, my favorite thing to do is turn on the tube and subsequently off my brain.
Right now, Tyler is teaching a graduate-level class, working on research projects and processes left and right, and publishing papers like a true scholar should. He gets the kids going in the morning and puts them to bed at night. And, he is excited about football season and wearing sweatshirts everyday.