Another big selling point when we were looking at this house was the bonus room off the entryway. The previous owners used it as a bit of a man cave - desk, TV, couch, and gun racks. Of course, what I saw was the perfect studio space and office! At our rental house, I would set up photos in the dining room and was constantly rearranging to make room. The thought of just having a space all my own to get work done sounded like a dream!
Once we bought the house and moved in, I realized just how ugly the space actually was. Yet, it was the last room on our priority list. It was functional, but not an inspiring space by any means, until I partnered with World Market, that is! Head on over to the World Market Discover blog to view the whole transformation + our best recipe/easiest trick for removing stubborn wallpaper.
And, since you know I like to give one DIY over there and one over here, I thought I would show you how I made this rainbow rack, perfect for storage, displaying fun finds, and bringing plants into any room!
Supplies: One unfinished board (6-ft long, 1"x4"), 13 pegs painted in your favorite colors, drill + bit, wood glue, five screws, hammer/mallet, level, pencil, and measuring tape.
Process: Mark the location of each peg with a pencil, approximately every 5 inches. Next, use a spade drill bit (a regular drill bit will work if you have one large enough) the same diameter as the peg you purchased. Add a few drops of wood glue to the peg before pounding it into place with a mallet or protected hammer. It should be tight. Last, attach to the wall with screws using a level.
Time: I spent the most time painting the pegs each a different color, but that might have been because I was watching Stranger Things simultaneously! The whole project from start to finish should take less than an hour.