I have seen how quickly life can pass us by. I have seen the sweet faces of my nieces grow from babies to beautiful and accomplished young women.
In the blink of an eye they grew.
I have seen how easy it is to get distracted by big dreams and unnecessary wants. I have seen young students consumed by the latest phone, iPad, or app.
In the blink of an eye, they missed the opportunity to play.
I have seen how scary this world has become. I have seen parents lose their children, brothers without their sister, and children without a father.
In the blink of an eye, they lost their joy.
I don't want my children to miss the opportunities of having a simple childhood, of running through the sprinkler on a hot day, of dancing in the rain, of laughing so hard because someone tooted, of staying up late to look at the stars.
Sure, life right now seems scary and unpredictable, but I also think that we make it more complicated than it needs to be. Our kids need quality time to be kids. To experience joy, to know love, to play, and to talk with their parents.
I am not saying that I have this all figured out. I don't. I spent an hour this morning making my typical loop on social media instead of reading to my children, or playing a game with them, or holding them tight. It is not about being perfect, it is about reminding each other what really matters.
Because in the blink of an eye, this chapter will be over.