The number one question I get asked is: "What should I give to a friend who is in the hospital with a sick child?" After food, my answer is always - toiletries. No joke. So, I am thrilled to partner with Kleenex for this sponsored post.
When you are living in a hospital room, the shower situation is basically nonexistent. In our situation, there wasn't a shower available and the bathroom for the entire PICU was a single toilet in a room with a mirror so high that I couldn't even see my face. So having things like these Kleenex Facial Cleansing Wipes made a big difference. A huge difference.
Of course, our number one priority was always Matilda, but we are also human. I don't know about you, but my mood sometimes depends on how clean or cute I feel. So doing my hair, changing my clothes, and washing my face impacted whether or not I could pull myself out of a sad place full of tears and heartache and into a happy place focused on the good things - like spending quality time with Matilda by reading to her, singing her songs, or standing by her bed to hold her hand.
So, this Mother's Day, make a donation to your local hospital, to a friend who just gave birth, or someone with a sick child in the hospital. Give them Kleenex instead of flowers!