advice for dying Easter eggs

Last week Parker had a rough day at school. So, despite whatever deadlines I had or work I thought needed to be done, the kids and I sat down together and decorated Easter eggs. Here are a few things I learned from the process:

  1. Easter eggs can be beautiful as proven by Martha Stewart and so many talented people on the internet. But, they are more likely to be ugly. And that is okay - it isn't about the egg, it is about the process.
  2. Artificial eggs (advertised to be used with dye) don't really take the dye, but are fine for painting and decorating in other ways. On a side note, we can't use real eggs because Matilda is allergic - yes - even to the touch.
  3. Matilda's turned out the best because she had no expectations. She would paint, wipe off and paint again, dip in water, and paint again. She was painting because it was fun and didn't want it to end.

Sure, sometimes it seems like there are a million examples of beautifully decorated eggs on the internet, but in reality, isn't this just about spending time with our kids? About celebrating these moments and filling them with laughter, learning, and beautiful memories? At the end of the day, my table was messy, but my heart was full.

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