While perusing Pinterest the other day, I found these shoes. They are adorable, yes! But out of my desired price range. Then, I remembered that I had purchased a pair of white high tops on sale a while ago and had been waiting for Matilda to grow into them. They are still a little big, but once this DIY was completed there was no taking them off her feet.
Here is how you can make your own Boden-inspired shoes:
Supplies: White high tops (these are Converse, but any brand would be fine), acrylic paint, paintbrush, and fun shoelaces (I dyed the white ones purple).
Process: Paint a half rainbow on one shoe and a simple cloud on the other. Place the shoes together and match up the arch of the rainbow and continue it over to the other shoe, stopping at the cloud. Simple! I didn't like a few of the colors that I started out with once I saw them all together, so I ended up painting over them. That is a benefit of acrylic paint, it is so forgiving. At one point, I also painted a smiley face on the cloud, but it didn't turn out how I imagined. So, I quickly wiped it off and called it a day. Moral of the story is, don't expect your projects will turn out perfect. In fact, there is something so endearing about imperfection.
Time: This project took me about 30 minutes.