mighty matilda turns three

Today is Matilda's 3rd birthday! When thinking of birthday themes I like to focus on two things, what does my child love right now and what lesson do I want them to take from the year. So this year's theme of Be Curious was born - not only because Matilda loves Curious George, but because I want her to hold onto her own curiosity as she grows.

We invited a few friends over and played with Play-Doh, read Curious George books, did a science experiment, guessed how many pieces of candy were in different sized jars, tossed balloons in the air with a parachute, and ate ice cream cake! It was simple, fun, and everyone took home a Curious George book.

Best of all, I feel like this is the beginning of a very normal childhood for Matilda where she is allowed to explore her world with curiosity the way a little one should. Her beginning was difficult, but her life will always be extraordinary.

Details and links - none of these are affiliate links and I am not being paid to give them to you, I just am because they are what I used.

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