My friend Kersey of And We Play is one of the very best! I asked her months ago if she would be willing to design a temporary tattoo for my donate life project and she said YES without hesitation! She is known for her adorable tattoo skills - some of my favorites are here, here, and here.
And, the one she created for my #HowIDonateLife project is no exception, hands down, adorable. Not to mention, I have 3,000 of these babies to hand out to those of you willing to help me reach the goal of collecting 1,900 photos on Instagram in support of the 1,900 kids waiting on the transplant list. Feel free to email me if you are interested!
You can find all the details on my campaign page, including: examples, more information about pediatric organ donation, and a short video about my daughter Matilda's lifesaving transplant.
All you have to do is:
- Take a photo that represents something you do to give back to your community.
- Tag me (@cloudydaygray on Instagram) so that people can find more information about pediatric organ donation + how they can get involved.
- Use the hashtag #HowIDonateLife - please feel free to go back and tag old photos with the same hashtag.