I read his first book and was immediately in tears. Not that it takes much to get my tears going, but this book, this idea, it hit me hard and pushed me forward. As I continued researching, I started with the image of who he is today - with lots of people and companies backing his work, supporting his endeavors, and begging him for more. I saw his fan base, which speaks for itself, and I saw a confident artist living the life.
I researched from front to back and, in time, I found that he was just like me. In the beginning he had ideas that ran in every direction. His words circled around. And, his vision was not as clear. His voice was not as confident. His image not as sharp. He was just a guy. A regular guy.
But, he had a dream and a drive to see where it went.
So, when my sister calls and asks what I am doing, I tell her that I am working. Working on big things. And, I mean it. I have been working really hard on really big things.
It is not easy, there are days I want to give up. There are days I think I am crazy, that I have made up this job for myself and nobody will care if one day I stop. There are days I feel like a bad mom, a bad wife, a bad friend. But, I have this dream to change the world with the things I am good at and I love that. I love dreaming up crazy things and watching them grow. I love that Matilda changed me; woke me up to the reality that nothing is impossible, that dreams do come true, that hard work is not for nothing, but for everything.
I am dreaming. I am working. And I am trying to channel that Dallas Clayton vibe that lets me know there are no rules. Nothing is holding me back. And I can change the future.
April is going to be big - just wait and see.
Now please go watch the keynote (keep looking back, I will add the link later today) that Dallas gave at Alt, think about what you want, and start dreaming for yourself. Because guys, there really are no rules.