I have said it once and I will say it again - Parker is the world's best big brother. We took the kids to the dentist yesterday and Parker was the biggest help of all. We talked about the whole experience the night before. About how the hygienist would clean his teeth by using a tiny mirror and a scrapper. About how it wouldn't hurt but sometimes might feel a little weird or uncomfortable. About the suction tool, the water tool, and the big chair that leans back. And, of course, we talked about the fact that he might feel scared, but we would be their to encourage and support him the entire time.
I believe that that kind of pre-talk where clear expectations are given benefit my children tremendously.
What I could not anticipate was that the dentist office would have a huge train track that went around the ceiling and through tunnels! Both kids were jumping with excitement as they watched the train go round and round. Kudos to whoever thought of that idea!
Parker was up first and told Matilda he was not worried at all. He did everything they asked of him with a smile on his face. He was respectful and patient. He was everything a parent could hope for. When it was Matilda's turn, she demanded to sit in the big chair - just like her brother. She opened wide and said "ahh" - just like her brother. And she didn't move an inch when getting her teeth x-rayed - just like her brother.
As I thanked the kids for a wonderful dentist visit Parker pulled me aside and said, "Mom, I was actually a little bit scared, but I knew you were there to encourage and support me and I wanted to show Matilda how to do it. So, I was brave." He was right. If he would have cried or acted nervous or refused any part of the process, Matilda would have felt apprehension and fear as well.
With tears in my eyes and warmth in my heart, I gave him the biggest hug and thanked him for being the best big brother in the world. And you know what his response was, "Oh Mom, that is what brothers are for."
P.S. I will post about Matilda's teeth situation on Monday...