I still remember the day at school in the second grade when my teacher gave us each a little envelope with strawberry milk mix for Valentine's Day. It was the first time I had ever had flavored milk and probably the gateway to my latte habit. Ha!
It is such a simple Valentine, yet festive and sweet enough to feel like a big treat. Here is how you can make your own:
Supplies: Strawberry mix, glassine envelopes, stickers, straws, tape, and cardstock.
Process: Put a spoonful of strawberry mix into each envelope and seal with a sticker. Then, cut flags out of cardstock, punch a hole, put a straw through, and add another sticker or the recipient's name onto the flag. Tape the straw and flag to the back of the envelope and serve with milk!
Time: I made 20 and it only took me a half hour!

And a huge thank you to Wayfair and Bing for the goodie box filled with #dreamstudio inspiration for this project! I can't wait to sit down and chat with each of you at Alt Summit next week!