young friends

The only time Matilda gets to play with kids her age is when we are at the RMH during doctor visits. But when we were visiting Montana, Matilda got to spend a good amount of time with two little friends, June and Trafton.

I had met June during lunch before we moved to New York. She was a newborn and slept quietly in her carseat while we ate. Now she is two-and-a-half and full of life. Her petite voice and clear expressions reminded me of the two year old Parker I once knew. She was charming and determined and I fell for her big time. So did Matilda. 

Trafton is my godson and just nearing three years old. He was adorable and can flash a smile to melt anyone. He has this dimple that just sucks you in and makes you want to hug and kiss him in an instant. He didn't pay much attention to Matilda who wanted to hug on him. But one day, I bet the tables will turn. 

The thing I loved most was that none of this seemed like a big deal to Matilda. She was happy to see everyone, kids included, as if it was a completely normal occurrence for her. Maybe it did feel normal to her because we were traveling and when we travel we see lots of people. Either way, it made me happy.

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