Matilda was baptized when she was 10 days old. It wasn't what I had expected, but it was beautiful and something I will never forget. We had originally planned on having her baptism over Christmas in Montana surrounded by friends and family.
There have been moments over the last two years where I daydreamed of what that would have been like and there have been moments where I couldn't imagine ever going back, ever having the opportunity for people to meet Matilda - let alone experience her baptism.
But here we were, home in Montana - surrounded by most everyone we love - blessing Matilda in the church nearly two years after her baptism. It was such a humbling experience to share Matilda with so many people who prayed while she was sick, who were there for us when we felt alone, who celebrated her life wholeheartedly.
I cried as we welcomed aunts and uncles into the church. I cried as Matilda met her cousins for the first time. I cried when I realized that all four of my siblings were there to support her. I cried as Matilda walked down the aisle in her beautiful white dress. I cried when my big brother proudly brought a cake he made just for her. And I loved every second of it.
During the blessing Matilda handled the situation and attention with such experience. Looking up at Matilda, I saw that little ten-day-old baby who was intubated and fighting for her life. I saw how far she has come in her two years of life, how many people she has touched, how many battles she has won, and how faith has been right by her side through everything. I could hear sniffles all around and I knew everyone saw exactly what I did. The mighty miracle Matilda in all her glory, shining above the odds and standing strong. She is blessed.
And we are all blessed to know her.