With the help of Cricut and my friends at Small Fry, I was able to make and donate 15 Cloudy Day Craft Packs to the parents in the PICU at Mount Sinai during our last visit. Each pack included an embellished tote bag, an ice cream cone bunting pack, a set of window clings, an ice cream stencil, three colored pencils, a note pad, glue, string, and bubbles.
I know what it feels like to sit in those rooms. To have your world in the hands of people you hardly know. I know what it feels like to wake up in the middle of the night hoping everything was just a nightmare, only to realize reality is right next to you. I know what it feels like to wait in hope.
And so, I will always give back. I will always try my best to support parents who are sitting where I once sat. I will always do my best to remember how lucky we are. I will always be thankful for the nurses and doctors who saved Matilda, and the parents who made it possible by donating a piece of their child, so that mine could live.
I know they are just craft packs, but it is something. And if brightening up the room puts a smile on someone's face, changes the atmosphere in the room, or encourages laughter, then I know that beautiful and happy memories will be created amidst a world full of pain. And that counts for something in my book.

Cloudy Day Gray is in partnership with Cricut; all opinions are my own.