I had the most amazing week with the most amazing people in Salt Lake City at the Altitude Summit. I am not kidding around about that. In fact, I am still trying to process everything. I am still going through a huge pile of business cards, most of which got graffitied with sloppy notes that read "sat next to me at dinner, was super nice, asked lots of questions about Matilda, or followed instantly on IG". And, I am still filled to the brim with inspiration, ideas, and hopeful opportunities.
My main goal in writing this blog is always to spread awareness for pediatric organ donation. That being said, I came up with ten mini-goals to accomplish during Alt. And you better believe I happily ticked (almost) every box on my list on the plane ride home. Listen, there were way more photo booths than I had expected and not enough time to stand in line.
I know this is only a taste. I will tell you more later. For now, I am still catching up on sleep.