And just like that, I am headed to Alt Summit Salt Lake City. I have been participating in every contest available to win a ticket to this flagship event. And this time I won. I will be planning, creating, and hosting a mini party along with Danyelle of dandee and Danni of oh, hello friend. I am beyond excited. Unbelievably thankful. And ready to party.
The contest was to create a board on Pinterest of the perfect party. And honestly since I started Cloudy Day Gray, I have nearly stopped using Pinterest. I was flustered and overwhelmed because I now had two accounts, the one I had been using and a new one for Cloudy Day Gray. But this party planning, reminded me of how much fun it is. My pinning will now commence.
This is going to be fun. You just wait.

P.S. Tyler took these pictures over the weekend of me dancing with the kids. I felt like had to say what was going on in case you could not recognize the act of dancing.