a bunny + carrot costume

This is the fourth post of a Halloween series where I highlight inexpensive and easy, homemade costumes. As a child (the youngest of five) buying a costume from the store was unheard of. I think I convinced my mom to buy me a witch costume kit once and was horribly disappointed and felt guilty for weeks that she spent money on something I secretly did not want to wear. Halloween is only one night a year and the costume is worn for a few hours - search for what you already have, invest in a glue gun, a couple yards of felt, and you should be good to go. View posts one, two, and three here.

I think I was a bunny for every Halloween in elementary school. I had a pair of pink footie pajamas, ears on a headband, and a bushy tail that was always falling off. I loved being able to wear my pajamas out of the house and, if I was sneaky enough, without any shoes! I loved the opportunity to wear makeup and pretend to be my favorite animal. So this costume combo was a no brainer.

The carrot was made out of felt. I just folded over a long rectangle, cut a hole in the middle, rounded out the bottom, and added orange yarn for detailing with hot glue. I also hot glued a long strip to the inside of the front and tied it around the back because Parker kept flipping the front flap over his face and running around like any three year old should.

For the bunny I used pajamas as the base (bought by my mom before I was even pregnant in the hopes that I would one day have a girl). From there I cut ear shapes out of poster board, hot glued them to a headband, covered them with yarn (hot gluing along the way), and added felt details. The tail is a large pom pom made from the same yarn as the ears.

There you have it. Adorable, easy, and inexpensive!

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