The way I see it, there is always a choice to look for the good. And when I look at Matilda, I see nothing but good. She was put on this earth to shake each of us awake. So that we could learn what in life is important. To take the time to hold each other's hand. To pray - to witness a miracle.
Matilda is so full of life. She is sweet and lovable. She is courageous and shy. She is adventuous and dramatic. She is full of giggles and smiles. She is compliant and relaxed. Matilda is mighty.
So when it came to celebrating her first birthday, we had to go all out. I have been working on decorations for weeks, making sure everything looked just as beautiful as Matilda. I can't say that I was not sad that friends and family were unable to attend. But then I remembered the reason why I started this blog - to share in the joy with all of you.
So welcome to Matilda's 1st birthday celebration. I hope you have a good time. She did.