So the backstory goes, Parker went to "school" when he was staying with family in Montana while Matilda was in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit in New York City, and it was not his favorite. There were a lot of factors involved that created a negative relationship with the idea of school. So I have been nervous about how things would go this time around.
And if you follow me on Instagram, you would know that "Umm, guys. I committed a huge mom fail today. Parker went to school for the first time ever and I did not take a single photo or make a poster or even put him in new clothes. I mean really, someone should revoke my blogger status ASAP. Well, I did snap a few when I picked him up, does that count?" But the truth is, I didn't do any of those things on purpose. I wanted to keep everything as casual and relaxed as possible. We let Parker pick his outfit, and we tried not to rush out the door. We played it cool, just as if starting school was no big deal.
Tyler said that when he dropped Parker off at the door he barely turned around to say goodbye. He was comfortable! And when I picked him up from school he gave me the best hug and was full of smiles. Tonight at bath he sang me a song that he learned today that goes "hands on top, that means stop" and told me the story of how they pretended to be a train and he got to be the coal car. He beams when he talks about school and that is what matters to me the most.
And really, I love the after school photos that I took. He looks so happy and proud of himself.