About a month ago, coupons.com invited me to come up with a mom hack involving back to school. At the time I was not planning on Parker attending school, but used my teaching experience to motivate a pre-k hack.
Since then, we have decided to enroll Parker in a twice-a-week pre-k program in our neighborhood. But it did not hit me until we got the school supply list in the mail. For the first time, we will send Parker into the world to be taught by other adults and experience a social education on his own. Eep. For the first time, I went school shopping as a mom. And school shopping as a mom feels nothing like I thought it would. This new perspective has now motivated me to give the mom hack another try.
Let's talk about backpacks. I had no idea that they averaged $35-65 a pop. That is crazy. And they are all huge and incredibly bulky. Not what I wanted or needed for my three year old. So we came home with the $9 version from Target and neon duct tape. I added a few embellishments, with the tape, jazzed up some folders to match. And really, I could not be happier.