Parker woke up on his birthday with a runny runny nose, but he spent the whole day smiling. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw that the Easter bunny had come. He smiled from ear to ear when I made him a breakfast birthday cake (coffee cake) and sang happy birthday. He smiled from ear to ear when we all piled into the car to go to church as a whole family for the first time since the RMH house (Matilda usually stays home). He smiled from ear to ear as he ran around in the fresh air. He smiled from ear to ear while talking to Grandparents on the phone. He smiled from ear to ear when he woke up from his nap and saw that I had decorated for his party. He smiled from ear to ear when he saw the cake I made. He smiled from ear to ear as he opened all his presents. And he smiled from ear to ear as we tucked him in bed. All with snot dripping from his little nose.

He is going to be an magnificent three year old.