Yeah, I know that skipping a milestone is nothing to joke about. As a reading specialist, I am often asked about the correlation between crawling and reading abilities. I know that some experts believe that crawling is a nessesary skill for developing an "on-time" reader. It is true that stimulating different areas of the brain (right and left hemispheres) creates a conducive environment for comprehension, concentration, and memory to take place effectively. Occupational therapists and speech pathologists also suggest that certain muscles in the back, shoulders, and neck which are strengthened during crawling can either positively or negatively affect speech.

But let's be real, all of these topics are still being heavily debated by a huge group of experts. And the truth about the matter is that learning and learning disabilities are so difficult to understand because of the vast amount of variables involved that this topic will probably always be debated and never proven one way or another. Do I think that skipping such an important milestone could effect some sort of development? Yes, I think it is possible. Do I think that it causes a learning disability? No.

So what is my point in all of this? Just to let you in on the fact that I am constantly fighting myself between what I know is good for Matilda developmentally and what I know will keep her healthy. I am not saying I want to keep her in a bubble, but I do kind of want to cover every surface in my house with an antibacterial, antiviral wrap.

I am a different mom, a different person, than I was with Parker. With Parker we spent more time out of the house than in. I took him to a museum class intended to stimulate all of his senses. We would go to the library for reading and playgroup, to the park, farmer's market, the grocery store and anywhere else I needed to go. I would put him on the ground, walk five feet away and let him explore, interact with other parents/children, and learn on his own. I wanted him to explore everything while learning to feel safe and secure without being attached to me. I love who Parker is and I don't want Matilda to lose out on the same opportunities. I am afraid I am raising an antisocial hypochondriac. How do I learn to balance my fears? How do I celebrate the mom that I used to be while respecting that mom that I am now?

In other news, Matilda got her first tooth!